

Bunions services offered in Ashburn, VA

Bunions are one of the most common foot problems, affecting up to 30% of adults. At Podo Care Foot & Ankle in Ashburn, Virginia, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Anchal Dureja, DPM, specializes in diagnosing and treating bunions using a conservative approach. Depending on your needs, Dr. Dureja may prescribe custom orthotics, a night splint, or different shoes. Call the office today to request a bunion consultation, or make your appointment online.

Bunion Q & A

What are bunions?

A bunion is a swollen bump that forms on the outside edge of your big toe joint. It occurs when the bones at the front of your foot change position, causing your metatarsophalangeal (big toe) joint to bulge outward.

Bunions usually affect women, but anyone with an abnormal foot shape or underlying health problems (like arthritis) is at risk. If you have a bunion that affects your mobility or quality of life, contact Podo Care Foot & Ankle.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Symptoms of bunions include:

  • A swollen bump near the base of your big toe
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters
  • Toe pain
  • Swelling, redness, or soreness

As the bunion grows, you may have difficulty bending or straightening your big toe joint.

Should I see a podiatrist about bunions?

Make an appointment at Podo Care Foot & Ankle if you have a swollen big toe joint that’s painful or affecting your mobility. That’s particularly true if you can’t find shoes that fit over your bunion or your symptoms keep you from routine activities.

How are bunions diagnosed?

Your Podo Care Foot & Ankle provider reviews your medical history, asks about your symptoms, and examines your foot. They check your big toe and big toe joint for redness, bruising, or swelling or gently press on the bunion to identify sensitive areas.

Next, your provider orders a series of X-rays so they can see the alignment of your big toe joint and determine the best treatment approach.

How are bunions treated?

Podo Care Foot & Ankle treats bunions conservatively whenever possible. Your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Wearing shoes with broad toes and soft soles
  • Custom orthotics
  • Bunion shields
  • Bunion bandages
  • Night splint
  • Shoe inserts
  • Ice
  • Anti-inflammatory medication

If your symptoms continue or don’t improve, your provider may recommend surgery. Bunion surgery uses special tools to realign the bones at the front of your foot, relieving swelling and restoring your range of motion.

Can bunions be prevented?

You can reduce your risk of bunions by wearing comfortable shoes that provide plenty of room for your toes. Podo Care Foot & Ankle also recommends avoiding high heels and other styles of shoes that squeeze or place undue pressure on parts of your foot.

Call Podo Care Foot & Ankle today to explore the treatment options for bunions, or make an appointment online.