Injections for Fat Pad Atrophy

Fat Pad Atrophy

Fat Pad Atrophy services offered in Ashburn, VA

Our innovative treatments for fat pad atrophy are designed to rebuild lost cushioning and alleviate pain.  At Podo Care Foot & Ankle, Anchal Dureja DPM offers these non-surgical, minmally invasive solutions that are tailored to your needs, helping you return to the activities you love with less pain and more confidence.  In addition, Dr Dureja may also prescribe custom orthotics.  Call the office today to request a consultation or make an appointment online.

An innovative, nonsurgical treatment for pain relief

Is Foot Pain Preventing You From Doing The Activities You Love?

Fat pad atrophy-loss of natural cushioning in your feet-can lead to foot pain, difficulty walking and poor quality of life.  Whether you're dealing with burning sensations, discomfort with every step, or feel like your're walking on bone, this condition can impact the quality of your life and be debillitating.  

Now you can restore comfort by targeted injections.

Our Treatments Include:

Leneva Allograft Adipose Matrix: Using human donated fat tissue, we restore the natural padding in your feet.

Dermal Fillers: Specially formulated fillers provide cushioning and reducing pressure points

Call Podo Care Foot & Ankle today to explore these options, or make an appointment online.