Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails services offered in Ashburn, VA

Ingrown toenails are painful for everyone, but if you have diabetes or poor circulation, they increase your risk of potentially severe side effects. At Podo Care Foot & Ankle in Ashburn, Virginia, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Anchal Dureja, DPM, offers complete care for ingrown toenails. She can make personalized treatment recommendations to prevent complications and restore your mobility. Call the office today to receive treatment for ingrown toenails, or make your appointment online.

Ingrown Toenails Q & A

What are ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails occur when a nail grows into your skin instead of away from your toe. 

Almost everyone occasionally gets ingrown toenails, but taking them seriously is crucial. An ingrown nail may increase your risk of infection or even amputation without intervention.

What are the symptoms of ingrown toenails?

Symptoms of ingrown toenails include:

  • Pain and tenderness
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Swelling 
  • Infection

If you experience any of these issues and have diabetes or poor circulation, contact Podo Care Foot & Ankle immediately. Early treatment can reduce the risk of complications and preserve your mobility.

Who is at risk of ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails affect people from all walks of life, but several factors may increase your risk, including:

  • Having sweaty feet
  • Rounding your toenails instead of cutting them straight across
  • Wearing shoes that crowd your toes
  • Playing sports that involve kicking or running
  • Having an underlying health problem that affects blood flow (circulation)

Ingrown toenails also tend to affect people with abnormally curved nails.

How are ingrown toenails diagnosed?

Your Podo Care Foot & Ankle provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your toes and toenails. They check for redness and swelling and gently press on your affected toe to identify sensitive spots.

Next, your provider orders a series of X-rays to see how far the nail grows into your skin and if the infection extends to your bone.

How are ingrown toenails treated?

Podo Care Foot & Ankle treats ingrown toenails using a minimally invasive and conservative approach. Your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Lifting the nail, so it grows away from your toe
  • Taping the nail away from your skin
  • Placing a gutter splint beneath the nail to guide its growth
  • Partially removing the nail

If you regularly experience ingrown nails on the same toe, your podiatrist may recommend removing the nail entirely. Before treatment, they numb your toe with a local anesthetic. Then, they use a hand-held laser to remove your nail and nail bed.

Removing your nail may prevent it from growing back, but the treatment provides lasting relief.

Call Podo Care Foot & Ankle today to receive treatment for ingrown toenails, or make your appointment online.