Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries services offered in Ashburn, VA

Each year, millions of Americans visit the doctor for treatment of sports injuries. If you twist your ankle or drop something heavy on your foot during a workout, visit a podiatrist as soon as possible. At Podo Care Foot & Ankle in Ashburn, Virginia, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Anchal Dureja, DPM, offers high-quality care for various sports injuries, including ankle sprains, foot fractures, and more. Call the office today if you need treatment for a sports injury, or make your appointment online.

Sports Injuries Q & A

What are sports injuries?

Sports injuries occur while you're running, working out, or playing sports. Children and teens are most susceptible, but adults experience them too. 

If you hurt yourself at work or during exercise, visiting Podo Care Foot & Ankle is crucial. Intervention and treatment can prevent the injury from worsening and speed up healing. 

What are some common sports injuries?

Podo Care Foot & Ankle offers diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries affecting the feet and ankles, including:

  • Ankle sprains
  • Fractures
  • Turf toe
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Fallen arches
  • Heel pain
  • Strains
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon tears and ruptures
  • Dislocations

Sports medicine also treats running-related injuries, including bone spurs and stress fractures.

Should I see a podiatrist about a sports injury?

Contact Podo Care Foot & Ankle if you hurt your foot or ankle during exercise and experience severe pain, swelling, or visible skin discoloration. That’s particularly true if your symptoms make it difficult to place weight on your foot or ankle or interfere with your routine.

How are sports injuries diagnosed?

Your Podo Care Foot & Ankle provider reviews your medical records and asks about your injury, including what you were doing when it happened, if you heard popping or crunching noises, and what the pain feels like.

Next, they complete an exam, checking your foot and ankle for redness, swelling, and bruising. Your podiatrist gently presses on your skin to pinpoint sensitive places and checks your reflexes, range of motion, and ability to feel different sensations.

Last, they order X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to get a closer look at your bones, joints, and soft tissues. 

How are sports injuries treated?

Treatment of sports injuries depends on the underlying cause and severity of your symptoms. Podo Care Foot & Ankle takes a conservative approach whenever possible. Your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Ice, rest, and elevation
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Wearing a cast or a splint
  • Physical therapy (stretches and strengthening exercises)
  • Activity modification
  • Wearing different shoes
  • Custom orthotics
  • Prescription footwear

If your injury doesn’t improve with noninvasive measures, you may qualify for foot or ankle surgery. Podo Care Foot & Ankle offers minimally invasive surgery and traditional open surgery. 

Call Podo Care Foot & Ankle today to learn more about the treatment of sports injuries, or make your appointment online.